Atmega8 Software I2c

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Atmega8 Software I2c Download

The I2C protocol is used for communication between different parts (up to 127 participants) of a system using only two wires. I will show a very simple example with two ATMEGA8 microcontrollers that communicate via this protocol. Atmel calles this not I2C, but TWI (two wire interface). A detailed description is on page 157 of the ATMEGA8 datasheet. Embedded Software Center. ATmega8 IBIS Model. AN1981 - AVR155: Accessing an I2C LCD Display using the AVR 2-Wire Serial Interface.

Joined: Tue. Jan 13, 2004
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Atmega8 Software I2c Review

I'm trying to get I2C to communicate with my LCD screen on my bot using the (excellent) PROCYON AVRLIB libraries.

My bot currently contains 2 processors, an ATMEGA32 @ 16Mhz and an ATMEGA8 running at 1Mhz.

I want the ATMEGA8 to send text messages to my I2C lcd display. (LCD03) This does not work.

If I flash EXACTLY THE SAME program to my ATMEGA32 (which is on the same bus) it works fine. Obviously, I checked the SDA and SCL connections. I can program the ATMEGA8 with my stk200 cable. The 4k7 pullup resistors are in place.

Frankly, I'm clueless. It MUST have something to do with the hardware, but what??

Atmega8 Software I2c Update

Atmega8 Software I2cAtmega8

Atmega8 Software I2c File

Here's the code:


Atmega8 Software I2c Free


Any help VERY MUCH appreciated!