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Author by: Benedetto Conforti Language: en Publisher by: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 83 Total Download: 200 File Size: 44,8 Mb Description: This fully up-dated, third revised edition of Conforti's thought-provoking and challenging textbook, The Law and Practice of the United Nations, provides a comprehensive legal analysis of problems concerning membership, the structure of UN organs, their functions and their acts, taking into consideration the text of the Charter, its historical origins, and, particularly, the practice of the organs. Its main focus is on the practice of the Security Council.
In particular the action of the Security Council under Chapter VII has been taken into account. The legal literature on Chapter VII - a literature which has grown enormously in recent times - has also been considered. The fact that the legal aspects of the action or the inaction of the Security Council have been discussed to an unusually large extent by ordinary people at the time of the war against Iraq and even later is worth noting. The importance of the role of the United Nations, and the content of the rules governing it, has become a leitmotiv of all debates on international politics.
Consequently, the opinion often held in the past, according to which it was useless to deal with the legal aspects of the United Nations activity, can be considered as obsolete. Author by: Maurizio Lupoi Language: en Publisher by: Cambridge University Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 55 Total Download: 353 File Size: 55,6 Mb Description: This is the first translation into English of 'Alle Radici del Mondo Giuridico Europeo' published in Italy in 1994, and named 'The Law Book of the Year' in 1995. The book is a comprehensive reappraisal of thinking on the common structural features of the various European jurisdictions.
Professor Lupoi argues the case for the existence of an earlier system of common law as far back as between the sixth and eleventh centuries. Based on various Germanic customs, this law was codified in Latin and survives in modified form in modern English common law. Author by: Latinas Unidas En Servicio Comunidades Language: en Publisher by: Simon and Schuster Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 98 Total Download: 129 File Size: 45,5 Mb Description: A culturally sensitive guide specific to the emotional health of Latinos, with a focus on family, in navigating the psychological, social, and cultural challenges faced after immigrating to America. Latinos immigrating into the United States bring with them their rich, unique cultural values and practices, with one constant being the celebration of and reliance on family. Family members find strength and support in the well defined roles and expectations passed down over many generations.
Author by: Natalino Ronzitti Language: en Publisher by: Eleven International Publishing Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 85 Total Download: 872 File Size: 47,9 Mb Description: This book is the outcome of a research project directed by Natalino Ronzitti, to explore the current status and future prospects of international humanitarian law of air warfare. This is achieved through the analysis of international customary law, the conventional provisions in force and the most recent State practice. As the most recent conflicts suggest, air warfare has known an exponential growth. However, even a rapid analysis of the international humanitarian law applicable to air warfare shows a defective and fragmentary situation.
This book will fill the current gap that exists in legal literature and will critically review and evaluate recent State practice.
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